V-Label is an internationally recognized and registered trademark for vegan and vegetarian products and services. Over 70,000 products from more than 4,800 companies worldwide now carry this label.
Organization Sloboda za životinje is the only authorized organization for certification in Serbia.
V-Label was founded in Switzerland in 1996. With the V-Label certification, companies promote transparency, and for consumers, V-Label is a simple and reliable guide for shopping.
Standardized criteria and controls ensure that V-Label is a unique quality label for vegan and vegetarian products and services.
If a product bears the certified V-Label, it means that a licensed technologist from our Association has reviewed the ingredients used in the product, as well as the production process, to ensure that the product is free from animal-derived ingredients, free from animal testing, and any form of animal cruelty.
Greater credibility with consumers than with brands that have created it themselves.
With a non-profit organization as your partner, your company can confidently navigate the growing market for sustainable plant-based food.
Your participation shows support and strengthens the plant-based movement.
With V-Label's international recognition and strong visibility, the company gains a competitive advantage, as vegans and vegetarians prefer products with the V-Label over unlicensed alternatives.
© 2003-2024 Organization Sloboda za životinje. Made with ❤️ by Su
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